- Available: hell yes
- Age: 17 going 18
- Annoyance: possessiveness (now, that's a word)
- Allergic: yes (sun, grass, air...)
- Animal: people count as animals right?
- Actor: "bobby" deniro...:D
- Beer: corona all the way
- Birthday/Birthplace: 6 june Bucharest
- Best Friends: those bitches of mine
- Body Part on opposite sex: hands, neck, eyes
- Best feeling in the world: love
- Blind or Deaf: blind
- Best weather: summer windy/rainy
- Been in Love: maybe
- Been bitched out?: yes
- Been on stage?: yes
- Believe in yourself?: not really but i work in that
- Believe in life on other planets?: maaaaaaaaars
- Believe in miracles?: hopes
- Believe in Magic?: yes
- Believe in God?: not a question i can answer here
- Believe in Satan?: yes....since im the one
- Believe in Santa?: you serious???
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits?: hmm sure sure
- Believe in Evolution?: c'mon!
- Car: Plymouth Fury 77 (or a Chevy truck)
- Candy: lollipops
- Color: turquoise
- Cried in school: so many times
- Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: japanese
- Cake or pie: muffin
- Countries to visit: entire usa, japan, brasil, new zeeland
- Day or Night: night
- Dream vehicle: wings
- Danced: for 10 stinky years
- Dance in the rain?: humph yes
- Dance in the middle of the street?: i think so (too drunk perhaps)
- Do the splits?: yes
- Eggs: omlete
- Eyes: window to ones mind
- Everyone has: issues
- Ever failed a class?: uhm no
- First crush: about 14
- Full name: my names a shit so....
- First thoughts waking up: tell me im dead, please
- Food: whatever i get
- Greatest Fear: loneliness
- Giver or taker: i keep the status quo i hope
- Goals: just have a happy life
- Gum: any
- Get along with your parents?: never
- Good luck charms: i've got a couple of those yes!
- Hair Colour: readhead (ok ok so its dyed so what?)
- Height: 1.7...something
- Happy: thats my goal isnt it?
- Holidays: freedooooooooooooom
- How do you want to die: in action
- Health freak?: huh?
- Hate: part of who i am
I(In guys/girls)
- Eye colour: blue (oh my god....blue!!!!)
- Hair Color: dark
- Height: taller than me anyhoo
- Clothing Style: suits him, suits me
- Characteristics: smart, fun and comfortable to be around, appreciates stuff
- Ice Cream: give it to me give it to me give it to me
- Instrument: hmmm thats a tricky one haha....for musical ones, guitar or drums...as for the other one....a girl has the right to keep secrets right?
- Jewelry: always forget to wear it
- Job: oh god, don't remind me
- Kids: the sooner the better
- Kickboxing or karate: zen dude zen =))
- Keep a journal?: isnt the blog sort of the point of it?
- Longest Car Ride: one day
- Love: where where?
- Letter: m
- Laughed so hard you cried: thank god yes
- Love at first sight: hope that myth is true
- Milk flavour: dont drink much
- Movie: thats a long god damned list
- Mooned anyone?: hope not, cos that would be frekin embarassing
- Marriage: hopefully yes
- Motion sickness?: used to
- McD’s or BK: don't tempt me satan
- Number of Siblings: none :(((((
- Number of Piercings: 3
- Number: 6 and 9
- Overused Phrases: 'tokio hotel sisteeeeeer"
- One wish: love and be loved in return
- One phobia: too many
- Place you’d like to live: used ot be uk now ive gone to states
- Pepsi/Coke: either??
- Quail: only at one person
- Questionnaires: pointless motherfuckers
- Reason to cry: injustice
- Reality T.V.: say wha?
- Radio Station: rfi
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: ok thats stupid
- Song: at the moment Route 66 - all the versions
- Shoe size: laaarge dude too large
- Sushi: i'd love some thank you very much
- Skipped school: a lot until this year
- Slept outside: yeah....
- Seen a dead body?: myeah
- Smoked?: still do
- Skinny dipped?: guess so
- Shower daily?: once a month only....c'mon, doh
- Sing well?: myeah
- In the shower?: never
- Swear?: hm hm yes
- Stuffed Animals?: thats just sick
- Single/Group dates: both and i wont be trying the group one any time soon
- Strawberries/Blueberries: straw...
- Scientists need to invent: a way to teleport
- Time for bed: if it were my call, never!
- Thunderstorms: well here's love at first sight (so it does exist haha)
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: i can't but horatiu can....
- Unpredictable: like to think so
- Under the influence?: like to think not
- Understanding?: yes
- Vegetable you hate: broccoli
- Vegetable you love: tomatooooo
- Vacation spot: countryside
- Weakness: i bruise easily
- When you grow up: be free
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: no one
- Who makes you laugh the most: gege vlad ana....
- Worst feeling: hatred
- Wanted to be a model?: i would consider doing it for fun if id had the body....
- Where do we go when we die: i dont know about you, but ill be in the air....
- Worst weather: any that goes too extreme
- Walk with a book on your head?: when i was like 6 and i was made to....yea
- X-Rays: collect them
-Year it is now: need a reminder? 2009
-Yellow: the sun i used to draw when i was 6
- Zoo animal: giraffe, zebra
- Zodiac sign: gemini
1. Slept in a bed beside you?: uhm alex...
2. Last person to see you cry?: that dude from the gas station
3. Went to the movies with you?: teo
4. You went to the mall with?: teo
5. You went to dinner with?: skipped that
6. You talked to on the phone?: alex
7. Made you laugh?: ana and alexa
joi, 26 martie 2009
vineri, 20 martie 2009
sâmbătă, 14 martie 2009
(n)-am o teorie
revin la imposibila teorie a supravietuirii.
sa te cunosti prin detasare, prin privirea propriei persoane ca simplu spectator.
e cu dus si-ntors.
o poti privi ca pe o capcana.
poti sa-ncerci.
n-o sa reusesti.
nu te poti privi pe tine insuti prin ochii altora.
e ca si cand te-ai indeparta de tine si nu vei reusi sa-ti vezi defectele sau calitatile nici macar pe sfertul sfertului.
la polul opus, poate ca cea mai buna modalitate este cea care pare cea mai subiectiva.
sa te apropii de tine, sa faci o incursiune in miezul tau, sa depasesti linia superficialitatii impusa de efemerul corpului.
insa nici metoda asta nu e garantia unui succes.
poate ca nici nu trebuie sa te cunosti.
poate ca e mai bine sa ramai un mister.
poate ca e mai bine sa traiesti in ignoranta.
poate ca asta te va tine in viata.
mult mult blue foundation.
si revival.
sa te cunosti prin detasare, prin privirea propriei persoane ca simplu spectator.
e cu dus si-ntors.
o poti privi ca pe o capcana.
poti sa-ncerci.
n-o sa reusesti.
nu te poti privi pe tine insuti prin ochii altora.
e ca si cand te-ai indeparta de tine si nu vei reusi sa-ti vezi defectele sau calitatile nici macar pe sfertul sfertului.
la polul opus, poate ca cea mai buna modalitate este cea care pare cea mai subiectiva.
sa te apropii de tine, sa faci o incursiune in miezul tau, sa depasesti linia superficialitatii impusa de efemerul corpului.
insa nici metoda asta nu e garantia unui succes.
poate ca nici nu trebuie sa te cunosti.
poate ca e mai bine sa ramai un mister.
poate ca e mai bine sa traiesti in ignoranta.
poate ca asta te va tine in viata.
mult mult blue foundation.
si revival.
joi, 12 martie 2009
take me out already
am decis ca am obosit
cartile nu ma mai ajuta oricum
si totusi speranta moare ultima
sau asa se spune
pana cand voi reusi sa leg 2 cuvinte
nouvelle vague si eddie vedder
cartile nu ma mai ajuta oricum
si totusi speranta moare ultima
sau asa se spune
pana cand voi reusi sa leg 2 cuvinte
nouvelle vague si eddie vedder
duminică, 8 martie 2009
te trezesti dimineata cu frica de a trai?
am realizat k viata mea e compusa din doar 2 etape repetitive: depresia si antidepresia.
am reusit intr-un final sa nu mai scriu ca si cand viata mea ar depinde de asta.
asta insa nu inseamna k peste 1 saptamana, 1 luna sau 1 an n-o sa intru din nou in etapa in care explodez pentru k nu reusesc sa scriu nimic.
atunci cand e gol in mintea mea, nu mai vad clar.
daca nu reusesc sa scriu, nu reusesc sa exist.
inca mai am cartonul de la pachetul de tigari pe care am scris recenzia la nu stiu ce trupa acum 2 ani intr-un bar....
aia a fost una dintre depresii....a fost ultima data cand scriam...
sunt dovada vie ca mersul la psiholog/psihiatru nu foloseste la nimic.
nu vroiam
si navea rost
xanax nu ajuta decat in cantitati minuscule...
cand treci la prozac, deja nu te mai cunosti....
a fost oribil de dureros pentru mine sa aflu k nu eram singura...
era alinarea mea....
si mi-a fost luata...
sa stau in fata unei coli albe de hartie ore in sir, cu milioane de ganduri fugindu-mi prin creier si nereusind sa pun nici macar unul negru pe alb....
sa vad cum indepartez pana si ultima suflare de langa mine...
sa vad cum ranesc oameni pe care ar trebui sa-i venerez pentru vietile lor normale...
sa-mi dau seama ca nu voi putea fi niciodata iubita pentru ca pur si simplu sunt bolnava...
astea au fost lucrurile care m-au facut sa nu ma mai uit inapoi si sa-i las pe ceilalti sa ma salveze...
nu zic ca avea dreptate....
dar traim intr-o natiune care supravietuieste pe antidepresive
am reusit intr-un final sa nu mai scriu ca si cand viata mea ar depinde de asta.
asta insa nu inseamna k peste 1 saptamana, 1 luna sau 1 an n-o sa intru din nou in etapa in care explodez pentru k nu reusesc sa scriu nimic.
atunci cand e gol in mintea mea, nu mai vad clar.
daca nu reusesc sa scriu, nu reusesc sa exist.
inca mai am cartonul de la pachetul de tigari pe care am scris recenzia la nu stiu ce trupa acum 2 ani intr-un bar....
aia a fost una dintre depresii....a fost ultima data cand scriam...
sunt dovada vie ca mersul la psiholog/psihiatru nu foloseste la nimic.
nu vroiam
si navea rost
xanax nu ajuta decat in cantitati minuscule...
cand treci la prozac, deja nu te mai cunosti....
a fost oribil de dureros pentru mine sa aflu k nu eram singura...
era alinarea mea....
si mi-a fost luata...
sa stau in fata unei coli albe de hartie ore in sir, cu milioane de ganduri fugindu-mi prin creier si nereusind sa pun nici macar unul negru pe alb....
sa vad cum indepartez pana si ultima suflare de langa mine...
sa vad cum ranesc oameni pe care ar trebui sa-i venerez pentru vietile lor normale...
sa-mi dau seama ca nu voi putea fi niciodata iubita pentru ca pur si simplu sunt bolnava...
astea au fost lucrurile care m-au facut sa nu ma mai uit inapoi si sa-i las pe ceilalti sa ma salveze...
nu zic ca avea dreptate....
dar traim intr-o natiune care supravietuieste pe antidepresive
soundtrack-ul vietii mele
ok asta nu e o leapsa...dar oricine e binevenit so preia...cum am facut si io (a friend of a friend thing)
uite cum merge treaba:
1.deshide-ti playerul (care o fi el)
2.pune-l pe shuffle
3.apasa play
4.pt fiecare pas, scrie numele piesei care canta
5. nu minti, nu face pe smecheru
Opening Credits: Random Song - The Postal Service
Waking Up: Why Do Fools Fall In Love - Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers
1st day of school: Change - Deftones
Falling in love: Two Receivers - Klaxons
Fight song: Bliss - MUSE
Breaking Up: Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
Prom: When You Say You Love Me - Josh Groban
Life: Les Voisines - Renan Luce
Mental Breakdown: Burma Shave - Tom Waits
Driving: Until the Morning - Thievery Corporation
Flashback: Riot Van - Arctic Monkeys
Wedding: Take Me out - Franz Ferdinand
Birth of child: Humming - Portishead
Final Battle: The Unforgiven - Metallica
Death Scene: For You I Will - Teddy Geiger
Funeral Song: Sabotage - Beastie Boys
End Credits: Nightshopping - dEUS
intr-adevar....se potriveste...mai mult decat as vrea poate....
uite cum merge treaba:
1.deshide-ti playerul (care o fi el)
2.pune-l pe shuffle
3.apasa play
4.pt fiecare pas, scrie numele piesei care canta
5. nu minti, nu face pe smecheru
Opening Credits: Random Song - The Postal Service
Waking Up: Why Do Fools Fall In Love - Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers
1st day of school: Change - Deftones
Falling in love: Two Receivers - Klaxons
Fight song: Bliss - MUSE
Breaking Up: Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
Prom: When You Say You Love Me - Josh Groban
Life: Les Voisines - Renan Luce
Mental Breakdown: Burma Shave - Tom Waits
Driving: Until the Morning - Thievery Corporation
Flashback: Riot Van - Arctic Monkeys
Wedding: Take Me out - Franz Ferdinand
Birth of child: Humming - Portishead
Final Battle: The Unforgiven - Metallica
Death Scene: For You I Will - Teddy Geiger
Funeral Song: Sabotage - Beastie Boys
End Credits: Nightshopping - dEUS
intr-adevar....se potriveste...mai mult decat as vrea poate....
vamp era
traind in era vampirilor, ce m-am gandit eu...hai sa nu ne limitam doar la saga twilight....am trecut la ceva mai heavy...the vampire chronicles...vazut filmu interview with the vampire, vazut queen of the damned (care, dupa parerea mea este cel mai bun film in materie de vampiri....traiasca townsend). mi-am luat toate cartile, nu doar primele 3...in pdf, in audiobook, doar doar sa le citesc mai repede...
revenind la queen of the damned, k e cel mai recent (re)vazut...pe langa faptul k povestea e sadic de originala si interesanta, muzica ajuta intr-atat incat te face sa iti blochezi mintea numai la film...rock goth phychedelic, hard...you name it....e acolo...e marfa...e dureros...
twilight filmu....hmmm....citind toate cartile, nu-mi mai place filmu...parca ii lipseste ceva...(ma rog, io cam stiu ce-i lipseste dar sa nu intram in detaliul asta)....meyer se pricepe ce sa mai ... ce a creat ea in saga asta este o adevarata alta lume...(cam ce a facut si rowling cu potter, doar k acolo e parca si mai si)...unele lucruri sunt cei drept absurde si penibile...dar balanta se inclina favorabil...
kristen stewart...n-a jucat fata in prea multe filme, dar le-am vazut pe toate...incepand cu panic room (rol de debut poate si cel mai bun...) si sfarsind cu twilight (sa nu pun la socoteala adevntureland pe care nu l-a scos ink)...le-am analizat pe toate...are what it takes tipa...dar parca fiecare rol il joaca intr-un fel...la fel...are anumite semnaturi de care nu scapa...mimica fetei, gesturile....poate k si rolurile se aseamana intre ele...cine stie...fierce people e alt film bun...
ma rog....
se stie: cartile sunt intotdeauna mai bune decat filmele....
revenind la queen of the damned, k e cel mai recent (re)vazut...pe langa faptul k povestea e sadic de originala si interesanta, muzica ajuta intr-atat incat te face sa iti blochezi mintea numai la film...rock goth phychedelic, hard...you name it....e acolo...e marfa...e dureros...
twilight filmu....hmmm....citind toate cartile, nu-mi mai place filmu...parca ii lipseste ceva...(ma rog, io cam stiu ce-i lipseste dar sa nu intram in detaliul asta)....meyer se pricepe ce sa mai ... ce a creat ea in saga asta este o adevarata alta lume...(cam ce a facut si rowling cu potter, doar k acolo e parca si mai si)...unele lucruri sunt cei drept absurde si penibile...dar balanta se inclina favorabil...
kristen stewart...n-a jucat fata in prea multe filme, dar le-am vazut pe toate...incepand cu panic room (rol de debut poate si cel mai bun...) si sfarsind cu twilight (sa nu pun la socoteala adevntureland pe care nu l-a scos ink)...le-am analizat pe toate...are what it takes tipa...dar parca fiecare rol il joaca intr-un fel...la fel...are anumite semnaturi de care nu scapa...mimica fetei, gesturile....poate k si rolurile se aseamana intre ele...cine stie...fierce people e alt film bun...
ma rog....
se stie: cartile sunt intotdeauna mai bune decat filmele....
marți, 3 martie 2009
1. Yourself? mad
2. Your boyfriend? somewhere?
3. Your hair? independent
4. Your mother? crazy
5. Your father? who?
6. Your favourite item? ipod
7. Your dream last night? intriguing
8. Your favourite drink? martini
9. Your dream car? plymouth
10. The room you’re in? (not) mine
11. Your ex? right!!!
12. Your fear? loneliness
13. What you want to be in 10 years? rock'n'rolla
14. Who you hung out with last night? alex
15. What You’re Not? ordinary
16. Muffins? vice
17. One of Your Wish List Items? laptop
18. Time? 9:13...niiight!!!
19. The Last Thing You Did? movie
20. What You Are Wearing? underwear
21. Your Favorite Weather? rain/sun
22. Your Favorite Book? marquez
23. The Last Thing You Ate? muffin
24. Your Life? static
25. Your Mood? ecstatic
26. Your body? (im)perfect
27. What are you thinking about right now? aftermath
28. Your car? outside
29. What are you doing at the moment? blogging
30. Your summer? hot
31. What color are your underwear? red
32. What is the weather like? freeeeezing
33. When is the last time you laughed? 5mins ago
34. What is on your tv? crap
2. Your boyfriend? somewhere?
3. Your hair? independent
4. Your mother? crazy
5. Your father? who?
6. Your favourite item? ipod
7. Your dream last night? intriguing
8. Your favourite drink? martini
9. Your dream car? plymouth
10. The room you’re in? (not) mine
11. Your ex? right!!!
12. Your fear? loneliness
13. What you want to be in 10 years? rock'n'rolla
14. Who you hung out with last night? alex
15. What You’re Not? ordinary
16. Muffins? vice
17. One of Your Wish List Items? laptop
18. Time? 9:13...niiight!!!
19. The Last Thing You Did? movie
20. What You Are Wearing? underwear
21. Your Favorite Weather? rain/sun
22. Your Favorite Book? marquez
23. The Last Thing You Ate? muffin
24. Your Life? static
25. Your Mood? ecstatic
26. Your body? (im)perfect
27. What are you thinking about right now? aftermath
28. Your car? outside
29. What are you doing at the moment? blogging
30. Your summer? hot
31. What color are your underwear? red
32. What is the weather like? freeeeezing
33. When is the last time you laughed? 5mins ago
34. What is on your tv? crap
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