vineri, 28 mai 2010

stop crying your heart out

living in the shadow of a great person is an honour.
living in the shadow of a lame-life is a disgrace.
having nothing to say.
having to obey orders.
much like the slaves in the 1800's.
it's a crying shame.
just do something about it. it's not like the end of the world if you step up for yourself and speak you freakin mind. but that is only up to you after all.
after all, who am i to judge what's a persons likings right?
even so, being psychologically tortured couldn't be the most pleasant way of spending you days could it?
even for a masochist.
stop eloping to you world, the one you are aware it doesn't exist. that's only useful when you already have a certain amount of life.
when you have none, you must create it.
be your own GOD!

miercuri, 12 mai 2010

my name is Jane. is it?

so how 'cool' is it to be james bond?
working for the MI-6...being so smart, hot and chuck norris wannabe?
probably every guy wants to be him, every girl wants to shag him!
now then, how many of you now about the MI-5? ey?
not many i reckon.
don't look into it...(shait, maybe they're watching me right now and they'll be thinking i'm some kind of a threat to their national security....well, you spooks, i am NOT stop worrying, ain't gonna bomb no brit - shit, i've said the b word- key, i'm going paranoid).
i'm not trying to talk about how great it is to be a spy.
i'm talking about how so not great it is.
how many of you would like to have a secret identity?
how many of you would like to have a secret life?
in this case, you'll be many, and i'm counting as one of you.
but would you like to do it forever?
you would like to do this for a living?
doubt it.
because, living these lies will eventually get to you.
will eventually destroy you.
you forget how it is to live in the real world.
you forget how to have a real relantionship.
you have no privacy.
and isn't this exactly what we all want?
to have a private, intimate life?
to be safe?
you'd think that working for such a particular branch of the government will give you safety.
it won't.
that's it.
i'm done.
i'm done kicking james bond's ass.
i rest my case.
and i'm not talking just about 5 or 6, CIA included (don't know about the Mossad haha), but i've chosen the brits cause i have a crush for them (so see, spooks, i'm not against you - apart from the fact you wreck peoples lives, oh well)

vineri, 7 mai 2010

e se domani

she woke up one morning, and when she looked next to her, he wasn't there. she sighed. of course he wasn't! what did she expect? they barely knew each other. she behave like a complete ass. she was desperate to keep him next to her. and of course he realised that. of course he couldn't take it!...why would he? he was rich, famous, good-looking, the opposite of her. the only thing she had was her ignorance. her ignorance towards everything 'glamour'. for fucks sake, she didn't even recognise him when they met!
so why did she hope so much? did she really love him that much?
christ, she should really stop thinking about it!
she will go on just like before.
she got up and she was on her way to the bathroom, when she heard noises from the kitchen. she got scared...but still, she went there to see.
and there he was! making breakfast. so simple, so easy. she was shocked.
he turned to her and smiled. the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.
he came to her with a cup of coffee and kissed her. she looked at him, as if she had just fallen in love with him...
after some years, he confessed that her 'ignorance' was the thing that dragged him nearer. that and the song.
love in the key of c.

these cliche-like stories, aren't really that much of a cliche. they are as real as breathing. and one day, maybe you'll be lucky, and find them in your life.