duminică, 31 mai 2009

reclama unui vis

Alannah Myles - Black Velvet

maine e ziua copilului....ce frumos suna nu?....pentru mine va trece mai repede ca ziua de azi...sau ca ziua de ieri....sau ca ziua care va veni....hai sa ramanem copii suna frumos nu?...eu zic ceva mai simplu: hai sa nu plecam....hai sa ramanem acolo unde suntem pentru o secunda....sa ne uitam cu totii spre cer, sa zambim si sa tipam ce vrem noi.....

Dido - Here With Me

luni, 25 mai 2009

The Duke Spirit

Neptune frate!!
Incepeti si voi cu melodia the Step and the Walk
desi mai bine incepeti cu primul album, Cuts Across The Land.
unii zic indie...
io zic muzica buna

vineri, 22 mai 2009

Viral Video

doamne ce-am mai ras!!!

scriptul unui schizofrenic

(suna telefonul...la celalalt capat o voce lugubra parca sopteste din alta lume):

stiu cine esti!


liar liar pants on fire




duminică, 17 mai 2009

a true short story

by ol'cock master

ok, nu radeti!...prea tare....

It was another very ordinary day in shithole. ol'cock checked her watch. mothafucka was late again. They had agreed to meet here outside her favorite restaurant before they went over to mothafucka's place to watch a video, eros, and now he was twenty minutes late. ol'cock was ready to give up on him and go home alone when a tunned carriage pulled up in front of her. ol'cock stared in amazement and her face turned fluorescent phosphorescent as she saw Robert Downey Jr. stepping out of the vehicle. He looked SO great! He was handsome and tanned, wearing a dark suit, a cool axe and red tin cans. In fact his appearance reminded her a little of one of his movie characters, stark. ''Hi. Any idea if I can get good piss in this place?'' he asked. ''Yes, they have the very best piss here,'' ol'cock responded. Before she could say anything more he was already walking towards the restaurant. He was just about to go inside when he stopped and turned to face her, ''Would you like to join me?'' he said. ''cocalauzar,'' was all ol'cock could say as her brain fogged and her heart skipped a beat. He shrugged and stared at her with a puzzled expression on his face. ol'cock thought for a minute. mothafucka or Downey? mothafucka or Downey? A difficult decision. (NOT!) ''I mean, yes, I'd love to join you,'' she said. Downey flashed her a mischievous grin and ushered her in to the restaurant. Politely, he pulled up a table for them to sit on. ol'cock tried to think of something light and funny to say but when she opened her mouth all that came out was ''You are too cock sucker for words.'' Downey just wrinkled his nose at her. ''What would you like to eat?'' he asked. ''I always have the weed and eggs here,'' she responded. When the waiter came over, Downey ordered weed and eggs for ol'cock and piss for himself. ''So what do you do for fun here in shithole'' Downey asked. ''Mostly star gazing,'' ol'cock said. Downey seemed a bit restless, so she reached out and grabbed hold of his hand. ''you are lame,'' she said loudly and everybody in the restaurant turned to look at them. ''Are you nuts?'' Downey said. ''Oh fuckin whore!'' ol'cock said. Downey stood up. ''Wait! We haven't had dessert. You have to try their wonderful bullshit,'' she said. ''I think I will just take my piss and run,'' Downey said. ol'cock stepped toward him and planted a big wet kiss on his toe nails. Downey, clearly terrified, let out a strange marushka-like sound and moved surprisingly fast towards the door. ''You don't really have to go do you?'', ol'cock said. ''I'll be back,'' he said, unconvincingly. ''Oh well, at least I got to kiss him,'' ol'cock thought, watching him disappear out the door. Happy and content with her day she went home to watch eros for the 20th time.


marți, 12 mai 2009

hai sa spionam

prea mare oboseala!
asa k nu iese recenzie...

Rear Window
James Stewart
Grace Kelly

vineri, 8 mai 2009

pe o strada ingusta ma duc...sa ma plimb

ok so azi am terminato si cu belgia....

traiasca stella artois atat pot sa spun...


guess what?

iar am tren maine la 6....


choo choo

luni, 4 mai 2009

Song To The Siren

original: Tim Buckley
cel mai cunoscut cover: This Mortal Coil
cel mai nou cover: John Frusciante (RHCP)

On the floating, shipless, oceans
I did all my best to smile
'Til your singing eyes and fingers
Drew me loving to your isle
And you sang, "Sail to me, sail to me,
Let me enfold you,
Here I am, here I am
Waiting to hold you"
Did I dream you dreamed about me?
Were you hare when I was fox?
Now my foolish boat is leaning
Broken lovelorn on your rocks
For you sing, "Touch me not, touch me not,
come back tomorrow: O my heart,
O my heart shies from the sorrow"
I am puzzled as the newborn child
I am troubled at the tide:
Should I stand amid the breakers?
Should I lie with death my bride?
Hear me sing, "Swim to me, swim to me,
Let me enfold you,
Here I am, Here I am,Waiting to hold you"

the most beautiful song in the world...
the most painful song in the world...
the only song in the world that the entire humanity can relate to...

vineri, 1 mai 2009

Bright Young Things

' isn't this too dull?
i've never been more bored in my life.
i would kill for a martini.
spot of absinthe?
yes! at least a spot'

ah cum ar fi sa ai vro 20 de ani, sa traiesti in Londra anilor 1930, sa fii putred de bogat, si sa mori de plictiseala la cele mai ravnite petreceri?
well, Bright Young Things iti cam ofera o imagine, cei drept absolut "scandaloasa" a vietii unor asemenea specimene (fericite sau nu)...sex, drugs and jazz.....
daca ai kef sa-ti faci o idee despre cum sa fii un adevarat party animal, watch this.

'excuse me, i have to go powder my nose'