duminică, 8 martie 2009

soundtrack-ul vietii mele

ok asta nu e o leapsa...dar oricine e binevenit so preia...cum am facut si io (a friend of a friend thing)
uite cum merge treaba:
1.deshide-ti playerul (care o fi el)
2.pune-l pe shuffle
3.apasa play
4.pt fiecare pas, scrie numele piesei care canta
5. nu minti, nu face pe smecheru

Opening Credits: Random Song - The Postal Service
Waking Up: Why Do Fools Fall In Love - Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers
1st day of school: Change - Deftones
Falling in love: Two Receivers - Klaxons
Fight song: Bliss - MUSE
Breaking Up: Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
Prom: When You Say You Love Me - Josh Groban
Life: Les Voisines - Renan Luce
Mental Breakdown: Burma Shave - Tom Waits
Driving: Until the Morning - Thievery Corporation
Flashback: Riot Van - Arctic Monkeys
Wedding: Take Me out - Franz Ferdinand
Birth of child: Humming - Portishead
Final Battle: The Unforgiven - Metallica
Death Scene: For You I Will - Teddy Geiger
Funeral Song: Sabotage - Beastie Boys
End Credits: Nightshopping - dEUS

intr-adevar....se potriveste...mai mult decat as vrea poate....

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