vineri, 2 ianuarie 2009

flashbacks of a fool

tocmai am vazut un film are chiar a avut un efect de "flashback".
care e partea, poate, cea mai cool si bestiala?

senzatia pe care ti-o da scenariul de secret. un secret intre cititor si personajul principal.

intr-un fel, ai o senzatie de alergatura continua, te tine in suspans, si, desi in mare cam iti dai seama de ceea ce va urma, te ia mereu prin surprindere. si e placut. e un film destul de trist. dar pana la urma, tristetea face parte din viata nu?

nu toate amintirile sunt placute, asta nu o poti schimba.

"The jean genie lives on his back

The jean genie loves chimney stacks

Hes outrageous, he screams and he bawls

Jean genie let yourself go oh"

"Shake your hair girl with your ponytail

Takes me right back (when you were young)

Throw your precious gifts into the air

Watch them fall down (when you were young)

Lift up your feet and put them on the ground

You used to walk upon (when you were young)"

"how amazing is this song! you can't chose between bowie and ferry. they're gods!"

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